
We invite you to the last, final publicizing event of the project

We are in a hurry to please everyone who wanted to but could not participate in the project publicity event held on April 15.

We announce one more date of the last publicity event – April 23. We kindly invite you!

During the event, you will be introduced to the welfare consultant service and the results achieved during the entire period of its provision, we will talk about emotional health and discuss. During the break, we will have a nice chat over a cup of coffee or tea.

We invite you to the fourth project publicity event
April 15, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Telšiai, Žemaitija business center, Sedos street. 34A, the fourth project publicity event will take place.
We invite everyone who wants to participate! The number of places is limited, so registration for the event is necessary: ​​ The event is FREE.
We invite you to the third publicizing event of the project
October 9, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Telšiai, Žemaitija business center, Sedos street. 34A, the third project publicity event will take place.
During the event, the activities of the welfare consultant will be presented – all the important information you need to know about the services and what results have been achieved to date.
The participants of the event will listen to the report on Positive Socialization, discuss, perform practical tasks and tests.
We invite everyone who wants to participate!
The number of places is limited, so registration for the event is necessary: ​​
The event is FREE.
We invite you to the second publicizing event of the project
November 3, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Telšiai, Žemaitija business center, Sedos street. 34A, the second project publicity event will take place.
For those who have not yet heard or heard about the project, Jurgita Juškienė, a welfare consultant, will present her services, explain how the consultations work and invite anyone who feels emotional difficulties to apply.
The participants of the event will listen to a report on Positive Socialization, learn about ways to help themselves. Participants will gain knowledge on how to manage stress, develop their emotional balance, relax, and correctly accept and respond to emerging psychological difficulties.
At the end of the event, practical tasks will be performed and gifts will be handed out.
We invite everyone who wants to participate!
The number of places is limited, so registration for the event is necessary: ​​
The event is FREE.

We invite you to the informational event on the introduction of the Welfare Consultants model in the Telšiai district.

Do you feel anxious, stressed, don’t know how to help yourself and who to talk to?

We invite you to the informational event on the introduction of the Welfare Consultants model in the Telšiai district.

The event will take place on March 17 at 13:00 (duration 4 hours) in the premises of the Telšiai County Business Incubator, Sedos St. 34A.

At the event, we will present the services of a welfare consultants in more detail, we will talk about good emotional health and positive thinking. We will learn to recognize and evaluate stressful situations and, thanks to positive thinking, it is easier to solve them.

During the break, you can enjoy coffee and cookies, and we will end the event by inviting you to take part in a quiz and awarding the winners.

The event is FREE